Community Calendar

Historic Board of Review Meeting
Thu Mar 6th 2025, 4:00pm -
Board of Works
Tue Mar 11th 2025, 10:00am -
Advisory Plan Commission Meeting
Tue Mar 11th 2025, 7:00pm -
City Council Meeting
Wed Mar 12th 2025, 7:00pm -

Riley Art Trail

Riley Trail Logo iconConstruction has begun on the Riley Art Trail! 

Find out more by clicking on the link below.



tip411 logoThe City of Greenfield's Police Department is pleased to announce the implementation of a cell phone and web-based application which will help the public connect with Officers to find information, view alerts, and submit anonymous tips from their smartphone.

Heavy Item Pickup

The City of Greenfield plans a two-week program to rid city properties of heavy items. Tyler Rankins Street Commissioner, announced that the 2025 Heavy Pick-up would be as follows:


Treatment Plant Progress

Under construction icon
** UPDATED January 17 2024 ** 
Follow along as we build the City's new Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Call before you dig


New Police Dept Contact Map

badge map icon
The Greenfield Police Department has created this interactive map to assist our community in communicating directly with officers. We ask that the community use this tool to report non emergency issues they are having around their residences rather than calling 911.


live stream

City Calendar Notice


The following meetings have been moved or cancelled for the month of February.

  • Please note there will not be a Historic Board of Review meeting for February 6, 2025

Frozen Pipes

frozenthermometerIt is that time of year and the temperatures are dipping below freezing again at night. Frozen water lines in our homes can be prevented.

Here some tips:
-Allow a small amount of water to run from multiple faucets.
-Shut off and drain outside water faucets before freezing occurs.
-Insulate walls nears exposed piping.

Winter is here and these tips will help make it less troublesome. You can read more about preventing frozen pipes by clicking on this link.

Water Line Replacement

service line replacement

The Greenfield Water Utility will be collecting an inventory survey of all water service line materials. Crews will be working now through Oct 2024. How can you help?


Sanitary Sewer Cleaning


The Greenfield WasteWater Utility will be cleaning the sanitary sewers in Greenfield as an ongoing project. We will be removing debris and tree roots with a combination of high water pressure and tools designed to accomplish the job.


Brush Drop Off and Mulch Areas are closed


The City brush, mulch, and compost area is closed until further notice due to construction activities.

Stormwater Survey

We value your feedback. If you have a stormwater drainage issue, let us know by taking the below survey.

Take the Stormwater Survey

Download Survey Flyer

Greenfield In Gear

Greenfield in Gear IconListen up, Greenfield! Do you want to make a difference in our city? Our future? Well, we are proud to announce Greenfield’s new Comprehensive Plan – our growth and development roadmap for the year 2045. This plan presents a great opportunity for positive change in the community, and it needs YOUR voice!



Police Bulletins

....Updated September 28....
icons8 police document 68Your Greenfield Police Department would like your help. 
Periodically, Police Bulletins will be posted asking for information on incidents currently under investigation. Please visit the Police Bulletins page, and check to see if you can help. Together, we can make our community safe.

Minutes available online

City Council  and Board of Works minutes are available online by clicking the buttons below.

Special Events and Road Permits

Calendar icon
Having a special event?
Need a POD storage container or dumpster sat in the roadway?
Want to have a block party?
You may need a permit. Applications are available below. If you have any questions please contact the Greenfield Police Department.
Additional ordinances covering public permits can be found at the City's Code of Ordinances online.

Put your camera to work!


The Greenfield Police Department would like to partner with you to solve crime. If you have a home video surveillance system that may cover a driveway, sidewalk or roadway, we want to hear from you.

Follow the below link to list your camera with the Greenfield Police Department, and start fighting crime today!

Online Camera Registration

City Services After Hours Emergency Numbers

Power & Light 800-377-5807
Sewer Dept 877-861-6077
Water Dept. 877-861-6081
Storm Water Hotline 317-325-1327
Parks Department Maintenance 317-325-1464


Contact City Hall

Greenfield City Hall
10 South State Street
Greenfield, IN 46140-2364

City Phone Directory

Mayor's Office - 317-477-4300
Clerk Treasurer - 317-477-4310
Utility Billing - 317-477-4330
Planning (Permits) - 317-477-4320
Street Department - 317-477-4380
Power and Light - 317-477-4370
Wastewater Department - 317-477-4360
Park Cemetery - 317-477-4387
Pothole Hotline - 317-325-1680
Parks and Recreation - 317-477-4340
Water Department - 317-477-4350
Animal Management - 317-477-4367